Evie & Maggie Oct 2009

Evie & Maggie Oct 2009

Evie & Maggie's photo gallery

Visit Aunt Brandy's website for pictures of the girls.

Evelyn Mae "Evie"
Born: May 1, 2008 3:00 a.m.
1 lb 12oz 13 1/4 inches long

Margaret Ann "Maggie"
Born: May 1, 2008 3:18 a.m.
1 lb 13oz 12 3/4 inches long

Friday, September 26, 2008

Hungry baby

This is probably the most timeliest post I have done in a while, but it is just so funny!

The story goes, I came home from lunch and Joe had fed the girls 1.5 to 2 hours before, but they were squirmy. So, I gave Maggie a snack and put her back to bed while I finished eating. Joe went upstairs to check on the girls and exclaims "Evie is latched onto Maggie's head!". I of course, wanted a picture, but that wouldn't have done it justice. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Across the state Doctor visits

We have visited 3 doctors in 3 cities in Montana in the last 7 days - but they all had good results!
On September 16 we drove to Butte to visit the eye doctor for a follow up check. The eye exam was much easier than usual as the Dr. was able to just look into their eyes instead of prying them open. The results were that both girls' eyes are nice and clear! They are both still far sighted as normal newborns should be, so that is good too. We get 4 months before the next exam (which puts us driving over the pass to Butte in the middle of January.

Then Wednesday the girls had a weigh in at their pediatrician's office in Bozeman. They both gained, but Evie is extending the gap between them. Don't worry, we have an excuse for Maggie in the next paragraph. Evie is up to 9lbs and Maggie at 7.5 lbs. Go girls!

Finally, On Monday September 22, we visited the pediatric cardiologist in Billings. It should be recorded that we were 22 minutes early for the appointment - and if you know me - that is amazing. I forgot that it was Billings and apparently no one arrives that early at the hospital as there was no traffic and the parking lot was empty. I understood Oma's concern about parking when we left at 10am as there wasn't a spot left in the parking lot. Oh, but back to the appointment. We flew threw the first 20 minutes - Maggie even had an EKG with lots of little stickers that looked like puzzle pieces. I'm not sure what that showed, as Joe doesn't have experience reading those (not something we learned in the NICU) and it must have been pretty normal. When the doctor finally arrived in the office around 9:15 am (one of the reasons I don't arrive early to appointments), he did her exam and said it was pretty boring/normal. He didn't hear a murmur either. Then he did her echo cardiogram and verified that her ductus (patent ductus arteriosis) had closed, but she still has a moderate to large sized ASD (atrial septal defect). And when he measured the ASD, it was 0.8 cm - which seems large to me even. Luckily, it isn't really causing her any problems except she is working a bit harder and thus burning more calories and not gaining weight quite as fast. She will eventually have it closed, but hopefully we can hold out until she is big enough to do the surgery via catheter instead of open heart. The Doctor said sometime between the ages of 4-6, but he said the catheter was an option after she was at least 5 kg. Things that would cause us to close it early would be if she has problems with lower respiratory infections (pneumonia) or is not regularly gaining weight. So, the story is get her to grow and we'll take care of it when we need to.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back to work and Mr. Mom

I returned to work on Monday September 8. And it hasn't been too bad, I think it is much easier to leave the girls at home since Dad is staying at home. Plus, I get to come home at lunch - so I am really only away from them for 4-5 hours. I also think having to leave the girls in the NICU also has me accustomed to leaving them for a few hours at a time.

And Dad has been doing an amazing job at home. Not only is he handling two babies, but he has also managed to finish projects that I could not make any progress on. After Brandy and Zach removed wallpaper and primed the walls, Joe finished painting the holding pen and turned it into the playroom...

Yey! Now I have to put something up on the walls and find some cute furniture to fill the room.

Then, Joe finished putting the grommets in the curtains in the nursery, so that is finally done. Looks cute huh!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Baptism weekend

Our family rolled into Billings a little after 11am - a bit late for our 11am appointment with the pastor. So, Oma and Aunt Christie met us at the church and swapped cars with kids so that the girls could get to the house and have some lunch. That went well, but we forgot to give Oma and Auntie directions on how to get the girls out of their car seats. They figured it out with the help of the neighbors.

The celebration brought in all the Aunts and Uncles to Billings to meet and sponsor the girls for baptism and it was the first time for many to finally meet the girls. Thus, the house was quite aflutter with people and conversation both Saturday and Sunday.

The girls were baptised at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Sunday September 7, 2008. This event was our first "public" event followed by a gathering of relatives and friends at the Hageman's house. The girls were amazingly well behaved during church, probably because they were held the entire time. And they were brought into the family of God surrounded by numerous family and friends.

The gathering at the Hagemans was a bustle of food and conversation, followed by ooh and aahing over the girls and the cute gifts they received. It was so wonderful to get to see so many people that have been watching over our little girls for the past 3 months. It is such a blessing to have such wonderful friends and family.

We should have lots of pictures of the girls, but none of them are on my camera. So, I'll get those who took pictures to post them.

Lots of visitors

It's amazing that 3 weeks have passed since I blogged last. At first it was because there was nothing to blog about (and no time to do it), but then things picked up and were very busy around here. Labor Day weekend is an annual gathering with the Wilcox clan - primarily hosted by the Hagemans and Schafers up at Ennis Lake - but it all starts with a lot of preparation. And this year the prepwork was in my kitchen! But thankfully, not really done by me. Oma Bev came to hang with the girls and I and she spent the first day in the kitchen. Joe was stunned because we still had to scavage for dinner! But we got food for the entire weekend. Oma said - don't get used to me coming and cooking at your house, and I responded - don't get used to me cleaning up all of the dishes after you! It was a mutual understanding. But the house got tidied up on Thursday before the Hagemans headed for the Lake.

On Friday, Aunt Brandy and Uncle Zach flew in from Phoenix to see their new nieces. Actually, they came to help me get projects done that I just couldn't make any progress on. I think I had Uncle Zach fixing drains and putting items up on high shelves within 2 hours of arriving. But there was lots of baby cuddling too. Great Aunt Carol & Uncle Jim stopped by to meet the girls and see the house for the first time on Saturday. Of course, Aunt Carol got the whole routine, holding, feeding, & diapering for Maggie (Thanks Aunt Carol!).

Then it was off to the Lake. There was quite the gathering at the lake and some fierce ping pong and foosball competition. But the Lake was for visiting only as the weather was crummy! Cousin Leslie became the official baby holder along with Great Grandma Evelyn. Oma and Opa even gave up their master bedroom for the grandbabies and parents. Apparently, they didn't want to have to get up every 3-4 hours during the night! The girls did great - because of lots of holding. As far as the first overnight trip, we did fairly well with only one major forgotten item, an extra bottle of oxygen. Dad had to make a run back to Bozeman to pick up the extra - oops.

Labor Day Monday brought us back to Bozeman and rejoined by Aunt Brandy & Uncle Zach. Aunt Brandy jumped into her major project of turning the holding room into the play room, and the first thing on the list was removal of floral wallpaper. She did awesome and had it all down in just over 4 hours. They also ran errands and other various items before priming the walls for the paint. That was a late night project that everyone participated in but me - I was out of gas and needed to feed the girls. On Thursday they headed back to Billings.

Yet the house wasn't empty for long as Uncle Andy and Melanie came to tour Bozeman Thursday through Saturday. We gave him a good excuse to come to town.

We did visit the pediatrician on Tuesday the 2nd. The girls are still doing really well. Evie weighed in at 8 lbs! Maggie is still working on those quality pounds and is 6lbs 15.5 oz. But they are both jumping up on the growth chart. The Dr. did say that their heads are the first things that grow and Evie's looks huge! Other than that, Maggie is still having problems with giving her food back, so we started her on Prevacid for reflux.
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