Evie & Maggie Oct 2009

Evie & Maggie Oct 2009

Evie & Maggie's photo gallery

Visit Aunt Brandy's website for pictures of the girls.

Evelyn Mae "Evie"
Born: May 1, 2008 3:00 a.m.
1 lb 12oz 13 1/4 inches long

Margaret Ann "Maggie"
Born: May 1, 2008 3:18 a.m.
1 lb 13oz 12 3/4 inches long

Friday, October 17, 2008

It's about time, mom!

Gee, I haven't had much of a chance to post anything online, nor have I been very good at taking pictures the last two weeks. The girls are becoming so much more active. They began smiling responsively around September 28. Then last week they made fun sounds and giggled. Both girls started sucking their thumbs - or more typically their entire fists on October 14. Maggie is better at getting hers in her mouth than Evie. I took a video of Maggie doing it the first night. It is quite short.

Then, the girls were playing on the floor on Oct. 16 and I took the following clips of them being happy. They are their video notes for the Aunties Brandy and Christie.


Anonymous said...

OH!! I miss them! They're so active now and noisy! Wait till we get them to sing :D Thanks for posting the fun videos. I love you too!!

Anonymous said...

It is great to see the girls doing so well! Thanks for continuing to post now since you are home. I am enjoying watching them grow and change. Vicki Evans

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