The day has finally arrived - we are in the car and headed home...all 4 of us! The night went well and I guess I'll get used to sleeping for 2 hours or less at a time. The morning was very busy with getting the girls fed, going over last minute items and paperwork, waiting for discharge orders from Dr. Hiller - and chatting with her, and gathering tons of baby supplies and stuff with lots of help from Nurse Marsha. Dad was very anxiuos to get out as soon as possible and went into "crisis mode"' which is sometimes when he performs best. He had the car loaded and checked out of RMH by 10:30 and we hauled the babies with monitors and oxygen through the NICU for our "victory lap" and quick good-byes to the car. We finally got to take the girls outside and put them in their little car seats in the car + happy tears! We waved good-bye to Missoula right around 11 am.
The first hour of the drive has been uneventful - and allowed mom's squished butt in the backseat to catch up on blogging. We'll see how the rest of the day goes and try to blog tonight or tomorrow.
Loves to all for your support during the crazy start to this journey. Here comes the fun stuff, right?!
Yeah! Congratulations! How exciting to have your little girls with you and to show them their home for the very first time. Enjoy ALL the moments. The pass so quickly!
Jackie Bergren
Havre, MT
I am *so excited* for you guys! What great news!
Yipee!! Very exciting! Hope you made it home...and hope you actually all get some sleep in your own beds! Take care and have fun!
Nebraska Massey's
Congratulations!!!! Now the fun begins. What a blessing God has given your family. He will continue to shower his love over all 4 of you. When I saw you at Timmie's wedding, I knew you were meant to be a mom. Take care, and know that I love you all. Jan McCandless, and Sheena Lennon
Oh my gosh I am SO happy for you!! Yes, now the fun starts and you will definitely feel like a mom when you are walking aroudn sleep deprived lol
I am so, so happy for you.
11:30pm Saturday evening--wow, I am a day behind so it is exciting to log on and read, and SEE you on your journey home. Now you are tucked into your own beds, well--maybe for an hour or two at a time.
Blessings and prayers, what a special day. Praise the Lord!
Love, hugs and kisses, Aunt Gayle
Giv'me a H. Giv'me a O. Giv'me a M. Giv'me an E. HOME Yeah.... God bless you all on another new adventure.
I've been behind a few days - how exciting to hear you are all home now. We are now anxious to make the trip to Bozeman to see ALL 4 of you! Probably the end of August! Love to all Great Aunti Carol & Uncle Jimmie
I am so glad you are taking your girls home. That is awesome!
Congratulations! Mizpah
Yes They are tucked in their home including Bruce!! Grandma and Grandpa H got to love on them Sunday. I do have to be supervised but it was AAAAAAAAAwesome!! Love Grandma Bev
Joe and Carrie wanted Bruce, who had been staying with us(Faulhaber Grandparents) since April 28th to come home so we took Bruce to see Evie and Maggie at home. Bruce was indifferent to them. With time, he will be very protective. I got to hold Maggie and tried to feed her, but she was too sleepy. Then Joe tried, but couldn't either. Paul and Diana
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