Evie & Maggie Oct 2009

Evie & Maggie Oct 2009

Evie & Maggie's photo gallery

Visit Aunt Brandy's website for pictures of the girls.

Evelyn Mae "Evie"
Born: May 1, 2008 3:00 a.m.
1 lb 12oz 13 1/4 inches long

Margaret Ann "Maggie"
Born: May 1, 2008 3:18 a.m.
1 lb 13oz 12 3/4 inches long

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday June 29, 2008

It was a fairly routine day for the girls, they pretty much just slept in their apartments. Mom did get to do another round of practice with each of the girls, but I think they were too sleepy to put much effort in. However, both girls increased their feedings again to 36cc and 32cc for Evie and Maggie, respectively. There were a few other changes in their medication, less of this, more of that. The only thing of significance with the meds is that Maggie’s hematocrit (red blood cell) count was a bit low; thus, they will give her Epogen shots again (I actually hadn’t realized they had stopped).


Anonymous said...

Carol sent me the link to your girls' page...what sweeties! You are one brave and patient family, we'll pray your little ones get stronger each day! We have a little Evelyn too---she was born June 2 :)

Unknown said...

Hi C and J -

I really enjoy reading your posts - and the things you mention about the stinky feet are the same thing my other girlfriend mentions about her little girl that was 11 weeks early (born same day). And great news - that little girl is coming home within the next week .... so your girls will be following soon!

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