Evie & Maggie Oct 2009

Evie & Maggie Oct 2009

Evie & Maggie's photo gallery

Visit Aunt Brandy's website for pictures of the girls.

Evelyn Mae "Evie"
Born: May 1, 2008 3:00 a.m.
1 lb 12oz 13 1/4 inches long

Margaret Ann "Maggie"
Born: May 1, 2008 3:18 a.m.
1 lb 13oz 12 3/4 inches long

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday July 16, 2008

Today is a much better day. They were right about the 48 hours – it gives time for the harsh medication to wear off and the body to recover. Evie was awake this morning and not upset – so Mom and Dad got to hold her. She did have some bradycardia spells (slowed heartrate) last night with or without apnea, and she still seemed rather pale this morning. But it’s probably just from the medication. We talked to the Doctor and her lungs look much better today, but we’ll keep her cannula pressure up. She did get a loading dose of caffeine yesterday when she was extubated to help with the breathing – but that with the Epo had her wired yesterday. Dad also held Evie while Mom fed Maggie for the 2nd time at 2pm. Then, we put Evie into bed with Maggie – reunited (can’t get the song out of my head).

It was bath day for Maggie. The strangest part is that it was so easy! We didn’t have to have an oxygen tank or anything – we just disconnected her leads and carried her off to the sink. I’m pretty sure we didn’t have any nurse assistance – I even put on the new leads and turned on the monitor, we are such self-sufficient parents! Then I wasn’t sure she would eat again after her bath, but she did. Dad didn’t think she needed any supplemental fast food, so we just put her back to bed. Nurse Martha said she’d watch her and see if she gets hungry before her 5pm feeding. So, if Maggie loses weight tonight it’s Dad’s fault.
Clean Maggie!

At the 5 pm checkup we had amazing news – Evie didn’t need supplemental oxygen. Nurse Martha started weaning her down because she was satting high – and she kept lowering the pressure from .5 all the way to 0. Amazing – as Evie was still on oxygen before the surgery – Decadron and caffeine must do fabulous stuff. Evie was still off of it at 9pm, although she did need a little boost during her care. I expect that she’ll need a little bit once the high wears off, but we’ll take what we can get! Oh, and Maggie didn’t take any fast food before her 5pm feeding – so we must be getting pretty good at practice.


Anonymous said...

It was a good thing that I missed a whole day of blog notes--the rest of the story was here (Weds)when I read bad Tuesday. Our prayers continue. My, Maggie looks so grown up in her clothes. I can only imagine how tiny they must be.
Love and rapid healing for Evie. She looks much more content now next to sissy. Aunt Gayle

Anonymous said...

Carrie, I am so glad that Evie is doing so well. They must really be little troopers. Aren's those preemie clothes the cutest. I still have some of Sheena's, and they look so small. She was only 5 pounds when she was born, and I thought she was tiny. God bless all of you. You are in my prayers. Love to all, Jan

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I have not kept up as much as I thought. I had to go back and read Tuesday's blog. Your girls are fighters and it is tough to see when things are tough. Way to go EVIE to bounce back so quickly. Maggie does look good in her little outfit. They will be BUWB before you know it. Love, Blessings, and Prayers to you all. Cuz Shari

Danny and Mandy said...

Yeah! Such good news! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm happy everyday I check the blog and hear the girls are improving. As always, my heart goes out to everyone involved. If you need anything don't hesitate. (406) 599-9113

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